Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Tips for Creating a Resume Filename -TheJobNetwork

5 Tips for Creating a Resume Filename -TheJobNetwork You think you have your hands full with your resume, your cover letter, your application in general. So it may be crazy to  realize that when a future employer downloads your files to read, you’re then competing not with other applicants’ resumes, etc., but with their resume filenames. It’s true! The game starts as soon as you hit â€Å"send.† Here’s how to make sure you have a good filename for your resume.1. Include Your NameIt seems silly titling a file with your name when it’s your file in the first place, but always title your job materials as though you were titling it from the recipient’s point of view. You leave out your name, and your file is likely to be lost in the shuffle. Plus, having your name directly in the file means your name is being seen, even when the file isn’t being accessed! Anytime the recipient opens that folder or looks for another file, there’s your name.2. Keep It SnappyYou don’t want a run-on filename. Keep it under 24 characters and spaces- plus the .doc extension. Many computers only show the first 24 characters, so avoid getting elided or truncated on their screen.3. Follow the RulesLetters and numbers are all fine, plus a few standard keyboard symbols (not / or .) You can (and should) capitalize where correct; that’s particularly useful if you have a long name and need to omit spaces to save space. You can also use dashes.4. Include the Word â€Å"Resume†Just as your name is important, so is the descriptor of the file itself. John-Smith-Resume won’t win any poetry awards, but it just might get the job done. Remember, you won’t get anywhere if you name your resume â€Å"Resume† without any other identifying features- like your name!5. Leave Out the Version NumbersYour future employer doesn’t need to know that this is Carol’s Resume version 4. A simple Carol Jane Resume.doc will do- and much more elegantly.Bonu s tip: Always save and convert your resume into PDF for each new job you apply to. That will ensure that your formatting remains the same on any machine. And makes it easier to archive which versions of your resume you sent to which employers when.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Cómo consultar fácil estado solicitud visa americana

Cà ³mo consultar fcil estado solicitud visa americana Cualquier persona puede consultar el estado de todas las visas no inmigrante que ha solicitado recientemente o en el pasado ingresando a una pgina oficial del gobierno de Estados Unidos. Este artà ­culo, que aplica a visas no inmigrante como la de turismo, intercambio, inversià ³n, estudiante, trabajo temporal, religiosos, etc. muestra cà ³mo saber el estado de la solicitud y todos los tipos de respuesta que se pueden obtener y quà © significan.  ¿Quà © se necesita para verificar estado de solicitud de visa? Antes de empezar con el trmite es necesario tener a mano el cà ³digo de barras que se imprimià ³ tras realizar la solicitud de visa por internet mediante el formulario DS-160. A continuacià ³n, introducir en esta pgina del Departamento de Estado ese nà ºmero y el nombre de la ciudad donde se realizà ³ la entrevista, si à ©sta ya tuvo lugar, o donde se realizar, en caso contrario.  ¿Quà © resultados se pueden obtener al verificar el estado de tramitacià ³n? Aparecer una pantalla en inglà ©s donde lo importante son cualquiera de las siguientes palabras: No Status. Quiere decir que se ha realizado la solicitud pero todavà ­a no ha comenzado su tramitacià ³n dentro del sistema de visas. Dependiendo de la Embajada o consulado puede demorarse. Ready. En estos momentos la tramitacià ³n est en marcha. Pronto tendr lugar la entrevista y la toma de huellas digitales. Si ya tuvo lugar o no es necesario, volver entrar al sistema dos dà ­as ms tarde para darle tiempo a actualizar el estado. Administrative Processing. En ocasiones y por razones varias una solicitud de visa no es ni aprobada ni negada. Simplemente se considera que es necesario hacer ms comprobaciones. En estos casos pasa a una situacià ³n de procedimiento administrativo. El tiempo que se puede prolongar va desde unas semanas a incluso meses. Mientras tanto, el solicitante no puede hacer nada. Si la oficina consular necesita documentacià ³n adicional, la pedir. Issued. La visa ha sido aprobada y est o bien en su à ºltima fase de gestià ³n o en proceso de envà ­o. Una vez que aparece esa palabra, si no se recibe el pasaporte con la visa estampada en à ©l en el plazo de diez dà ­as, consultar con la Embajada o consulado a cargo del trmite. Muchos consulados y embajadas de EE.UU. utilizan el servicio de mensajerà ­a de DHL para enviar los pasaportes con las visas estampadas en los mismos. El solicitante de la visa debe recogerla en la oficina de DHL que designà ³ en el momento de hacer la peticià ³n. Si no lo hace dentro de plazo, la visa ser regresada a la delegacià ³n consular y, si no se reclama en el plazo de un aà ±o, ser anulada. Refused. La visa ha sido negada. Si el visado es negado no es verdad que se pueda apelar la decisià ³n del oficial consular. Las solicitudes de las visas no inmigrante se pueden rechazar por dos grandes categorà ­as: inelegibilidad o inadmisibilidad. Estas son las 20 causas ms frecuentes  por las que el solicitante es inelegible. Adems, hay que tener en cuenta estas 22 causas que convierten a una persona en inadmisible para los Estados Unidos. Para evitar perder tiempo y dinero –ya que es necesario volver a presentar una solicitud nueva y por lo tanto pagar de nuevo la tarifa de $160–, es muy recomendable saber cul fue la causa del rechazo. Y segà ºn sea analizar si es posible aplicar con à ©xito o no. Por ejemplo, si el problema fue que no se demostrà ³ con à ©xito lazos econà ³micos y familiares en el paà ­s de origen lo mejor esperar a que se produzca un cambio en la situacià ³n del solicitante para tener ms à ©xito. Por ejemplo, tener un buen trabajo, haber formado una familia, propiedades, empresas, etc. En otras palabras, todo lo que sirva para que el oficial consular no sospeche que la razà ³n para solicitar la visa sea ingresar en EE.UU. con el fin de trabajar y/o quedarse en el paà ­s ms tiempo que el autorizado. Sin embargo, si se rechazà ³ la solicitud porque con anterioridad la persona estuvo en Estados Unidos ilegalmente en Estados Unidos despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os de edad por ms de 180 dà ­as, tendr un castigo que le impide regresar al paà ­s por tres o de 10 aà ±os, segà ºn las circunstancias. Otras situaciones que pueden dar lugar a problemas muy graves en la solicitud de la visa son la pertenenciaa  las pandillas, el trfico de drogas, el mentir en una aplicacià ³n para la visa o presentar documentos falsos, ya que se considera que es un fraude de ley, etc. Cabe destacar que en casos muy particulares es posible pedir un perdà ³n para visa no inmigrante.  Cuando se solicita la visa que se rechaza el oficial consular puede sugerir pedir un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso, cuando crea que el solicitante reà ºne los requisitos para que el mismo le sea concedido. Puntos clave: Cà ³mo comprobar el estado de solicitud de la visa americana En la pgina oficial del Departamento de Estado www.ceac.state.gov es posible rastrear el estatus de la visa no inmigrante que se ha solicitado. Es necesario tener a mano la hoja de confirmacià ³n con su cà ³digo de barras que se tuvo que imprimir cuando se inicià ³ la solicitud de la visa mediante el formulario DS-160.En el rastreo pueden aparecer cinco resultados: No status (sin estatus), Ready (preparado), Administrative Processing (en proceso administrativo), Issued (emitida_ y Refused (rechazada).Las visas no inmigrante se rechazan por dos grandes categorà ­as de causas: inelegibilidad e inadmisibilidad. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Econamy report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Econamy report - Essay Example The lack of coordination and differences in structure has caused some expensive problems over the years. Therefore a need arises for an organization which can improve this coordination between these partnerships. As mentioned this is a complex task of bringing two very different systems together in an efficient manner (Quiggin, 1996). That is why it is imperative that such an organization should be a PPP itself, so it could understand the delicacies of issues arising from such partnerships. Partnership UK is such an organization which has the sole purpose of making these PPP more successful. Being a PPP itself it can better understand the issues involved in Private Public partnerships. Private public partnerships have been given many names over the years and similarly their functions have varied across geography and time. These ventures can be called PPP or P3 etc. In essence private public partnerships are joint venture between government organizations and private bodies. These bodies are funded jointly by these two sectors. Usually these joint ventures take shapes of contracts between private parties and public sector organizations (Quiggin, 1996). Private parties provide services for the public sector and assume substantial financial operational and technical risk for the project. These contracts can be many forms, shapes and sizes. In some contracts service costs are not borne by the government and users are liable to pay for service use (Quiggin, 1996). In other agreements the government is liable to provide most or all of the cost being spent on a project. In other PPP projects private sectors makes the initial capital investment but the government or public sector is bound by contract to purchase services from the private sector. Another notable aspect of these projects is grants or subsidies given by the public sector to the private sector. These can be one time grants where a lump-sum amount is paid

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fight For 8-hour work time Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Fight For 8-hour work time - Essay Example Several nations developed certain labor laws for avoid the exploitation of employees in an organization. These laws are mainly consists of minimum daily rest hours, annual holidays and a maximum number of working hours in a day or week for the employees welfare. Over the last three hundred years labor unions have gone through different situation and shaped different forms. Later these trade unions became the part of different political and economical regimes. Early labors are like friendly societies and they worked for the different benefits of labors and to insure workers against unemployment, bad health condition, oldness, and funeral expenses. In many nations especially developed countries, states have been taken responsibilities to do all these functions. The provision of professional training, legal advice, and representation for members are still playing major role of labor union membership. The international socialist organization, the international workingmen’s association (IWA) or First international, demanded 8 hour working time at Geneva Convention in 1866. 8 hour working day got preliminary success in New Zealand by the Australian labor movement for skilled labors in the mid of 19th century. At the early and mid of 20th century got more popularity and most of the employers accepted the 8 hour working time throughout the world. Eight hour day movement is the part of early history and reasoned for the celebration Labor Day and May Day in several nations. The origin of Labor Day namely May Day is bounded up with the movement of eight hour workday. During the year between 1885 and 1886, many strikes had happened in the United States for the part of eight hour work day movement. There were around 500 strikes and lockouts took place in between 1881 and 1884. Most of these movements were started on May First. The May first protest and strike were very aggressive i n Chicago. May first, 1890, was to witness nation-wide strike for the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Analysis of Whipps Cross Hospital Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Whipps Cross Hospital Essay Waltham Forest is one of the busiest areas in London. The main reason behind this comes from the big hospital called Whipps Cross; serving a large community of approximately 225,000 people it makes it difficult for the approximately 2488 hospital to keep track of every single patient. There for I am going to create a database for the hospital staff to be able to store, delete, search and edit data about the patients as well as the doctors. This will help the hospital to keep track of the patient, for example, their latest treatment that they had, and what doctor they saw last etc. The hospital database will be accessible to all staff or workers in the hospital. My database will also be used to produce report and respond to particular queries (question/ comments) that the doctors may have about patients. However before I start my database I will need the following information: OUTLINE In this section I am going to outline the headings that I will be including in my database; this will store information about staff (doctors) and patients of the hospital. Database: A database is a collection of data that is organised so that its contents can easily be accessed, managed and updated. The most prevalent type of database is the relational database, a tabular database in which data is defined so that it can be reorganized and accessed in a number of different ways. A distributed database is one that can be dispersed or replicated among different points in a network. Advantages * Reduced data redundancy * Reduced updating errors and increased consistency * Greater data integrity and independence from applications programs * Improved data access to users through use of host and query languages * Improved data security * Reduced data entry, storage, and retrieval costs * Facilitated development of new applications program Disadvantages * Database systems are complex, difficult, and time-consuming to design * Substantial hardware and software start-up costs * Damage to database affects virtually all applications programs * Extensive conversion costs in moving form a file-based system to a database system * Initial training required for all programmers and users (http://www.cl500.net/pros_cons.html) Tables: I am going to have two tables first table to get the details about the staff of Whipps Cross Hospital and the second table for the patients in Whipps cross hospital. For each table I will have different columns in which I will have suitable fields for instance for the first table I will put the doctor name and just say if there are 20 doctors working I will put all of their names, address, gender, date of birth, salary and staff ID etc. I will then store this information onto the computer. So altogether their will be six rows. For the second table for patients I will put the patients name in the first field, gender in the second field, then the address in the third field and their date of birth in the fourth field etc Forms: == A form is like a blank document witch allows you to enter information into the database. I will need the forms in my database as this will narrow my search when I am finding out information about the staff and the patients in Whipps cross hospital. I will also give each field its suitable form to access the information required. I will create a separate form for each doctor and patient in Whipps Cross Hospital so the information dont get mixed and makes it less complicated to store. The forms can also be used as a back up file. -Types of forms that I will be including in my database: o Names of staff and patients in alphanumerical form o Gender (M/F) in alphanumerical form o Address in alphanumeric form o Date of birth in integer form o Salary for the each staff member ($) money o Staff ID number (six digits) -in integer form Queries: This is a selection of data from the table in a database and a single query can extract data from different tables. It searches particularly information that is already stored on the database and will allow the hospital to use it for research + to make reports of their findings. A query is an inquiry into the database using the SELECT statement. A query is used to extract data from the database in a readable format according to the users request. For instance, if you have an employee table, you might issue a SQL statement that returns the employee who is paid the most. This request to the database for usable employee information is a typical query that can be performed in a relational database. (http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=29661rl=1) As from the definition it suggests that its the selection of data, I will design two tables one for the staff and other one for the patients in Whipps cross hospital so with the help of both tables the Whipps Cross can run a query to specific information about the patient or the doctor. The query can also be used under one table as, if the hospital only needs to find the patients information. A query is useful because it will allow me to extract specific information from the database. Whipps Cross Hospital can just run the queries and check if there database is working effectively it will save there time and make things easier to find and store. Reports: Producing information on a database in a form of a report data base will produce reports about the doctors and the patients e.g. patients information report, the doctors salary record etc. It will also produce results on a database in a presentable form. After making query database will produce the report for them in which it will be the information of one/two tables. This will be easier for Whipps Cross to translate the information. SUB TASK Design: I am designing a database for Whipps Cross Hospital to store their stuff and patients information under. Im going to design a database that will consist of two tables, one for the staff and the other one for the patients. EXAMPLE -For the staff: STAFF Surname John Forename Simon Gender (M/F) M D.O.B 04/05/1972 Address 31 Carlton Road, E17 5ET, Walthamstow, London Salary 30,000 per year ID number J17672 -For the patients: PATEINT Surname Jodi Forename Simon Gender (M/F) F D.O.B 06/08/1985 Address 9 farmer road, E10 5ST, Leyton, London NHS number 6314518420 History hepatitis B Implementation: At this point I will be making my database. I would like to use Delphi software which I can access to find the information about the staff or the patients on my computer, but the school does not pervade us with this software so there for I will be using Microsoft access to design my tables and the database or I can even use Microsoft excel to make the database. This is because the school dont have the appropriate software which they have in hospitals and this is the appropriate one. It is easier to use and it dont take a lot of space in the computer Testing: I will test my work by adding appropriate information and appropriate codes using Microsoft excel or Microsoft access for example: For the staff ID I had maximum range of number from 1000 to 20,000 so I can put six digits Id for the staff and I will make sure that these six digits should be between 1000 and 20,000 and for testing purpose I will put a number less than 1000 and greater then 20,000. So when I do this if the error occurred or I tried to put more then six digit ID the database will automatically reject the value so I will have to put another ID to test my work. When I will put the right values my database did work so this shows that my database is working perfect. This is one of the example which I have used from my report to show that what will happen if I will have number less than1000 or more then 20,00 in my database the computer will automatically reject those values and if I have more then 6numbers in my ID it will also reject it. In the case with fixing these errors I will have to make corrections in the structural mode of tables. All this means that when I will be making my table I will put the staff ID in the structural mode. So when I will need to change the data I cant directly change from my report or the inquiry I will have to go in structural mode to change this information. I can also produce a number of recodes and run queries to see if the results are accurate. Evaluate: I will evaluate my work by showing each step and explaining how I achieved this and all the errors and complication that I had. How I can improve my database. I will also explain the things which went right or wrong. INPUTS The data will be put into 2 tables, one for the staff and one for the patient. It will have different field names because there are 2 different sets of people. This will be the information that I will be putting into the database or the FIELDS.STAFF For the staff table: For the patients table: OUTPUTS How the data will be presented once it has come out of the computer; I will present my information in the form of table, reports and queries. SUCCESS CRITERIA In order for the database to be successful, I will measure the success of my data by running queries. Also, I will see if the correct information is displayed, this will tell me if it is a success and if it works proper.My database must contain information about Whipps cross hospitals staff and patients so it makes it easier for them to store and keep track of all the staff and patients so it makes it easier for Whipps Cross to store and keep track of all the stuff and patients. My database needed to be used friendly, it needs to have no spelling mistakes and it should have no gaps.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Context of Unrelated Incidents :: Unrelated Incidents Tom Leonard Essays

The Context of Unrelated Incidents What is from Unrelated Incidents about? this is thi six a clock news thi man said n thi reason a talk wia BBC accent iz coz yi widny wahnt mi ti talk aboot thi trooth wia voice lik wanna yoo scruff. if a toktaboot thi trooth lik wanna yoo scruff yi widny thingk it wuz troo. jist wanna yoo scruff tokn. thirza right way ti spell ana right way to tok it. this is me tokn yir right way a spellin. this is ma trooth. yooz doant no thi trooth yirsellz cawz yi canny talk right. this is the six a clock nyooz. belt up. * The poem seems to be spoken by a BBC newsreader. * He or she explains why the BBC thinks it is important to read the news in a BBC accent: no one will take the news seriously if it's read with a voice lik / wanna yoo / scruff. It is not that simple, though! * He or she speaks here in the accent of an ordinary speaker/viewer - just the kind of voice which the newsreader is rejecting. * A newsreader would never really reveal his or her prejudices directly to the viewer in this way. So what the newsreader 'says' in this poem perhaps needs to be seen as the unspoken message (or sub-text) of the way the news is presented. Try re-writing the same poem in Standard English. Would it carry the same trooth? Structure and Language Structure The poem is carefully written in a phonetic version of the Glasgow accent. If you pronounce it exactly as it's written, it should sound more or less like a Glaswegian voice. Try to listen to Tom Leonard's own reading of this poem, which is on the BBC TV programme Roots and Water: Poems from Other Cultures and Traditions. Language The poet has played with language in a number of ways, apart from the phonetic spelling: * There is almost no punctuation. * There are lots of slang and colloquial words (scruff, belt up). * The newsreader talks directly to the reader (or viewer). How do these features add to the effectiveness of the poem? For example, there is a mismatch between the conventional image of BBC newsreaders, and what this one is saying - calling the viewers yoo scruff and telling them to belt up. The lines of the poem are very short. What effect does this have (especially when you read it aloud)? Does it make the poem sound serious or amusing? Tone and Ideas How would you read this poem? * Is it an amusing poem? * Is it a serious poem? Perhaps it is both. Is the poet arguing that this is actually the way the media think about us?

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Continuity and Change in Chinese Nationalist Ideology World War I to Present Essay

Since the beginning of the First World War to the present, nationalist ideology within China has caused change and continuity in several aspects of this nation’s society. One major change in China from the First World War to the present is its foreign relations with other countries due to factors such as communism and neocolonialism. Although China has changed in this way, it has remained one united nation despite foreign invasion and other internal/external conflicts. In the early 1900s, China was a state of continual civic and revolutionary unrest. As support for revolutionary efforts began to spread, China shifted from a monarchy to a republic. However, this rule didn’t last long as warlords within the nation began establishing themselves as regional or provincial rulers. This helped lead to the deterioration of Chinese society. Another factor leading away from a centralized state was fragmented relations with foreign powers. Since the 1900s, a network of foreign control over the Chinese economy had been established by the unequal treaties, which effectively prevented economic development within China. These treaties and other concessions permitted foreigners to intervene in Chinese society and not control the state, but impair its sovereignty. After the First World War, nationalism began to develop rapidly in China. China eagerly looked to the U. S. government to support the elimination of the treaty systems and the full restoration of Chinese sovereignty. However, when the U. S. approved increasing Japanese interference in China, this sparked the May Fourth Movement. Chinese people protested Japanese interference and began to re-establish national unity. As China began shifting from a divided sphere of influence to a dominant world power, it also became more influenced by communism. During the Second World War, the majority of concern to combat communism was in the Soviet Union. While this was taking place we, the U. S. , neglected to aid the efforts of Jiang Jieshi, who sought to unify the nation of China and bring the conflicts of nationalism and communism to an end. In his place, Jiang Jieshi leaves behind a void of power. Communist leader, Mao Zedong stepped up to fill this void. He like many other rulers in China used the Mandate of Heaven to justify his rise to power and take control of China. In 1949, Mao started the Red Revolution, a revolutionary effort to spread communism in China. Communism soon overpowered the nationalist party as the main ruling party. Mao also aimed to make China a self-reliant, isolated nation. However in doing so, China could not economically support itself or its communist views. In the 1970s the People’s Republic of China began large, radical economic reforms forcing the country to become one of the most capitalistic nations in the world. China quickly added itself to the global economy by opening its borders to the trade of various nations. China soon became the economic power that it is today and despite all the turmoil that has occurred from the First World War to the present, China has remained one united nation. From the past to the present, the ideology behind Chinese nationalism has been in a constant state of change. The shift in government and foreign relations throughout the world has been a major source of China’s nationalism. Although these foreign relations are constantly changing, China has remained a unified nation.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Development Of Appraisal And Reward System

Reward system is an instilled component of the personality of every man; he is a tripartite being with a spirit living in a body, and a soul. He thinks, feels, decides and acts. These are the elements of human interaction either at home or in any other organization. This system has long been proven by brain biologist and psychologists to be of paramount use in the development of a responsible and effective. This is further confirmed by the nature of outputs produced by organizations that have harnessed this for industrial use [Wilson, 2003].The recognition of intuitive input to the productivity of an organization, and the subsequent reward of such has indeed advanced the course of man at all levels of human administration. Really, its importance can not be overemphasized in this age of competitive business market. There are specific and pragmatic ways of establishing this amiable system into the company’s mainstream activity; this is the main focus of this article. IMPORTANCE OF APPRAISAL AND AWARD SYSTEM This is a ‘global age’; an age where the large world is shirked into a small global village.Innovations are emerging daily. Alls spheres of human endeavor are advancing at millennial speed. In this age, there is intense search for talents and skills that can maintain such developments or excellence, and also even work on them to produce better. This has created keen competition in the labor market, and every company knows the value of its high-output workers, and would never want to loose them. It is this that has made performance and character based appraisal and reward system more important to the survival of any enterprise than ever before in the history of man.Every one wants the best. The search for the best leaves no space for inefficiency, as the best must be delivered by employees. Companies have also inculcated diversity into their mission statement to accommodate enough space for this search for the best, and retaining those who h ave also proven to be of optimum impact to the activities of the organization. The concept of diversity has thrown appraisal and reward into a bigger landscape for employees ready to give their best to their chosen area of influence at work.In this case, the impact of encouraging an effort geared in this direction is of utmost importance and can not be overlooked. Leading organization in any known industry, and even new inclusions understand the place of recognizing and awarding ingenuity by company employees targeted at improving customer patronage or better service delivery. Great managers and leaders do acknowledge that humans can deliver beyond their present status if only they are encouraged by a credible means. A child who receives encouragement at home from his parents usually performs better that one that does not enjoy such privilege.It is an inherent need of man, that his potential can be better harnessed with tangibly significant appreciation. In the presence of a credibl e and fair reward system, employees have a basic encouragement to deliver their best to the Company, in their capacity. They can afford to stretch themselves with their elastic limit to meet deadlines, increase effectiveness and productivity, deliver more efficient and customer-friendly service because there would be a reward for their labor. This leads to increased productivity for the Company.This productivity is relative to the Company product. Even religious organizations understand this as they promise more blessings for obedient servants. This system, if properly put in place, heightens sense of responsibility of the employee and creates a ‘working bond’ that may not be easy to break. With a fair plan, there is increased interest in Company acts, mission, plans and goals. This created a better working environment for them, and there is increased trust and more fruitful human relationships in the Company. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SYSTEMA system that recognizes human inpu ts and quality ideas directed at optimal productivity, improved working environment and human relations, confidence and profitability of a company, and significantly rewards such via credible and fair techniques is referred to as an appraisal and reward system; its effectiveness is enhanced as all participants, employees and managers, understand its purpose and are poised to make useful contribution towards achieving the set goals. A good plan is based on a combination of performance and character [John Bill].Its development involves steps outlined below: DEFINITION OF PURPOSE It is important to start with a well-defined purpose. Purpose of the system is clearly outlined from the outset. This is seen to be consistent with the Mission statement of the Company in writing and principle; it is communicated to employees and is also broken into smaller units called Goals. It is in bringing such purpose down into those achievable units that they show pragmatism and spur workers to work[ Ga llup]. COMPANY INTERACTIONS/COMMUNICATIONThis involves a forum through which such system is communicated to participants in clear and understandable terms. Suggestions and quality ideas are welcomed on the plan and execution of the plan. This also affords an opportunity to for skill acquisition and training geared at achieving the Purpose. Really, this is inevitable to the survival of the program Communication should not be a once-and-for-all thing; it need be continuous. In this way and at any point in the course of organization’s work, there is a location, personality or unit constantly refreshing people’s mind about the program.This keeps the spirit alive. GOALS This should be SMART: Stipulated and Stimulating, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound. With effective communication, employees understand and can work toward them. With those criteria, goals are closer to the heart and easier to handle at work. It is important to combine an insightful technique in drawing such goals; this is easier when everybody- all participants are part of the decision making. IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE This is the most important of all.If purpose is then and goals are made with effective communication and there is no CREDIBLE AND FAIR structure to implement the plans, then the result can be easily guessed: there would be result at all. Therefore, it is important for the structure to be credible and fair in such a way that the criteria for adjudging performance is well-stipulated and combine quantitative and qualitative means. No element of subjectivity should be seen because this is the major worry of employees. If there is no open and transparent objectivity in the implementation, the program would fail.This structure is vital to the success of the program; it could be created as another committee entirely or a unit per session [ups] that would oversee the activities of workers at different levels. It would also be interested in accurately informing uni t members about the nature, category and content of reward. This would remove the excuse of inaccurate information and promote trust in the system. CATEGORISATION It is important for a categorization of the Purpose and goals into specific ‘committee’ or section where people of different work experience and exposure status can accurately fit in.This is to ensure that there is space for everyone, and a chance to be recognized as diligent. No one should be left out. Company products can also be categorized, with respectively competent employee. This is to ensure equal distribution of work based on talent, skills, and company’s expectation. REWARDS There should be a stated method of rewards and it should be both significant and tangible. Announcement is not enough reward. Such tools that can be employed include by compensation, awards or increase in base line salary.The latter is widely appraised, and is best effective when the incentive is about 25% of the baseline pay. Such should also be done with a short period of time. REVIEW It is important to review the activities of program, it impact on the organization and its vivid dividends at regular intervals. This would sustain and strength awareness of and confidence in the program. CONCLUSION All companies need a n appraisal and reward system, as ways of maximizing their workers input. This system affects all aspects of an organization.It is inevitable in this global and highly competitive age. Such can be established with defined purpose broken into goals, communicated to all participants under a credible and fair structure which is regularly reviewed for productivity. Gold companies retain best workers, and attract others by such means. It is no loss to any business at all. BIBILIOGRAPHY Wilson, Thomas. Innovative Reward systems for the changing workplace John, Bill: Reward and Appraisal. http://www. accaglobal. com/students/study_exams/qualifications/acca_choose/acca/fundamentals/ab/technica l_articles/2944835Performance Based Reward system Accessed from www. performance-appraisal. com/rewards. htm Performance Reward and Compensation. Accessed from http://www. gallupconsulting. com/content/? ci=58 Performance and Reward Accessed from Peter Scott www. peterscottconsult. co. uk/briefings/yourpartnerrewardsystem. doc Effective performance appraisal system. Accessed from www. allacademic. com/meta/p154789_index. html Effective Employee development Program http://www. maritz. com/employee_recognition_awards. html

Thursday, November 7, 2019

This essay was for a Geography retail class, and I was supposed to gather three articles and compare and contrast the ideas of the aritcle with the main topic which was shopping malls in N.America.

This essay was for a Geography retail class, and I was supposed to gather three articles and compare and contrast the ideas of the aritcle with the main topic which was shopping malls in N.America. Shields, Rob., 1989. Social Spatialization and the built environment: The West Edmonton Mall. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 7: 147-64.Shields article explores numerous aspects of social spatialization and the environment of the West Edmonton Mall. The development of this world class tourist attraction became the "largest, comprehensive tourist attraction ever built in the universe" (Shield, 150). The city of Edmonton needed a world class tourist attraction, needed a place were people would come to instead of going to other cities in the world to find the same thing. In this article Shield's provide a well analyzed and clear setting towards on how the Mall is becoming a substitute for the Street, and the contrast between the mall users or more specific 'post-shoppers' and 'mall rats'. One of the first point Shields mentions is the architecture of the mall, how the exterior is created with concrete and brick, and inside there is a bricolage of historicist recreations a nd high tech fantasy for example, a water park, ice rink, roller coaster, a three hundred and fifty room hotel and 'streetscapes' replica such as "Europa Boulevard", and New Orleans's Bourbon street.Chinatown, West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton, Alberta, ...The Mall is built "under one roof" to offer the participants worry free of the weather conditions. The creation of this mall followed the same typology for other malls across North America, to have "two anchor department store at each end of a long street of specialty shops" (Shield, 150). Furthermore, Shields explains the reason of success for the mall it "defies conventional marketing wisdom" (Shields, 151). The development of the mall started at the right time during the decline in the oil industry in Alberta, and in turn it became a huge success, in 1987 it became the third best tourist attraction to visit respectively behind...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Biography of Felipe Caldern

Biography of Felipe Caldern Felipe de Jesà ºs Calderà ³n Hinojosa (1962 - ) is a Mexican politician and former President of Mexico, having been elected in a controversial 2006 election. A member of the PAN (Partido de Accià ³n Nacional/National Action Party) Party, Calderà ³n is a social conservative but a fiscal liberal. Background of Felipe Calderon: Calderà ³n comes from a political family. His father, Luà ­s Calderà ³n Vega, was one of several founders of the PAN party, at a time when Mexico was basically ruled by one party only, the PRI or Revolutionary Party. An excellent student, Felipe earned degrees in law and economics in Mexico before going to Harvard University, where he received a Masters of Public Administration. He joined the PAN as a young man and quickly proved capable of important posts within the party structure. Calderons Political Career: Calderà ³n served as a representative in the Federal Chamber of Deputies, which is a little like the House of Representatives in United States Politics. In 1995 he ran for governor of the state of Michoacn, but lost to Lzaro Crdenas, another son of a famous political family. He nevertheless went on to national prominence, serving as national chairman for the PAN party from 1996 to 1999. When Vicente Fox (who is also a member of the PAN party) was elected president in 2000, Calderà ³n was appointed to several important posts, including director of Banobras, a state-owned development bank, and Secretary of Energy. Presidential Election of 2006: Calderà ³n’s road to the presidency was a bumpy one. First, he had a falling-out with Vicente Fox, who openly endorsed another candidate, Santiago Creel. Creel later lost to Calderà ³n in a primary election. In the general election, his most serious opponent was Andrà ©s Manuel Là ³pez Obrador, representative of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD). Calderà ³n won the election, but many of Là ³pez Obrador’s supporters believe that significant election fraud took place. The Mexican Supreme Court decided that President Fox’s campaigning on Calderà ³ns behalf had been questionable, but the results stood. Politics and Policies: A social conservative, Calderà ³n opposed issues such as gay marriage, abortion (including the â€Å"morning-after† pill), euthanasia and contraception education. His administration was fiscally moderate to liberal, however. He was in favor of free trade, lower taxes and privatization of state-controlled businesses. Personal Life of Felipe Calderon: He is married to Margarita Zavala, who herself once served in the Mexican Congress. They have three children, all born between 1997 and 2003. Plane Crash of November 2008: President Calderons efforts to fight organized drug cartels suffered a major setback in November, 2008, when a plane crash killed fourteen people, including Juan Camilo Mourino, Mexicos Secretary of the Interior, and Jose Luis Santiago Vasconcelos, a high-profile prosecutor of drug-related crimes. Although many suspected the accident was the result of sabotage ordered by drug gangs, evidence seems to indicate pilot error. Calderons War on the Cartels: Calderon gained worldwide recognition for his all-out war on Mexicos drug cartels. In recent years, Mexicos powerful smuggling cartels silently shipped tons of narcotics from Central and South America into the US and Canada, making billions of dollars. Other than the occasional turf war, no one heard much about them. Previous administrations had left them alone, letting sleeping dogs lie. But Calderon took them on, going after their leaders, confiscating money, weapons and narcotics and sending army forces to lawless towns. The cartels, desperate, responded with a wave of violence. When Calderons term ended, there was still a stalemate of sorts with the cartels: many of their leaders had been killed or captured, but at a great cost in lives and money for the government. Calderons Presidency: Early on in his presidency, Calderà ³n adopted many of Là ³pez Obrador’s campaign promises, such as a price cap for tortillas. This was seen by many as an effective way to neutralize his former rival and his supporters, who continued to be very vocal. He raised the wages of the armed forces and police while placing a cap on the salaries of high-level civil servants. His relationship with the United States is relatively friendly: he has had several talks with US lawmakers regarding immigration, and ordered the extradition of some drug traffickers that were wanted north of the border. In general, his approval ratings were fairly high among most Mexicans, the exception being those who accused him of election fraud. Calderà ³n staked much on his anti-cartel initiative. His war on the drug lords was well received on both sides of the border, and he forged close ties with the United States and Canada in an effort to combat the cartel operations all over the continent. The continuing violence is a concern - an estimated 12,000 Mexicans died in 2011 in drug-related violence - but many see it as a sign the cartels are hurting. Calderà ³ns term is seen by Mexicans as a limited success, as the economy continued to slowly grow. He will forever be linked with his war on the cartels, however, and Mexicans have mixed feelings about that. In Mexico, presidents may only serve one term, and Calderons came to a close in 2012. In the presidential elections, moderate Enrique Pena Nieto of the PRI won, beating out Là ³pez Obrador and PAN candidate Josefina Vzquez Mota. Pena promised to continue Calderons war on the cartels. Since stepping down as President of Mexico, Calderon has become an outspoken proponent of global action on climate change.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

New Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

New Media - Essay Example With all the praises heaped on the ability of the Internet to empower people, the facts tell us a different story. In 1999, an investigation by the United Nations Development Program found that only 2.5% of the world’s population was connected to the Internet and approximately one quarter of the digitally connected in the world resided in one country – the United States. (cited in Buckingham & Willett 2006, p. 252) More recently, sobering global statistics report have been published by the International Telecommunications Union that of the 141 million Internet hosts across the globe, 106.2 are in the United States and a mere 0.274 million in Africa. (p. 252) Furthermore, while the new media, particularly in the area of information technology, provides us enabling benefits, it is important to underscore that technological developments are themselves shaped by socially bound perceptions of the needs, interests, and purposes that technology serves. According to Judy Wajcman, â€Å"technology is always a form of social knowledge, practices and products. It is the result of conflicts and compromises, the outcomes of which depend primarily on the distribution of power and resources between different groups in society. (cited in Goggin & Newell 2003, p. 3) The growing primacy of commercial motivations for the Internet over access is a case in point. The information superhighway, write James Everett Katz and Ronald E. Rice, is little more than a new medium for corporate American to control and profit from. They argued that the principle behind the national information infrastructure was grounded in privatization and commercialization. (p. 24) Here, access to information is no longer a central presumption of human needs essential to citizenship; rather, consumer interests have become the fundamental requirement in order for the evaluation of the performance of social systems. The technologies that are tagged with