Sunday, January 26, 2020
Management Essays Chemical Waste
Management Essays Chemical Waste Chemical Waste Introduction. Chemical wastes are those chemicals by-products in form of solids, liquids or gases produced by factories that are harmful to animal and plant life. On the other hand petrochemical wastes are those chemicals derived from some reaction involving natural gas or petroleum. However unlike chemical wastes the petrochemical wastes sometimes are of importance, for instance some can be made into plastics and others synthetic rubbers and fibers. Background. Waste is any substance that can cause pollution and impacts negatively on the environment if not well planned. Environment needs to be taken care of and improved by man if he is to continue with life. Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is an organization that has been given a charter by the Australian government to protect the Victorian environment. The organization is situated in Melbourne metropolitan area and regional Victorian. EPA works in conjunctions with the community to realize its aims that is to empower and use individuals, communities and businesses encouraging them to take collective responsibility and action towards environmental conservation. The organization came into being after the amendment of the environment protection act of 1970, an amendment that was passed in 1996 by parliament. The key objectives of the act and hence that of EPA is sustainable use and wise management of the environment, adopting a consultative approach to enable the communities views to b e the main propeller of environment care goals and programs and finally cultivating a cooperative approach towards care and protection of environment. The act spells out the powers, duties and functions of the EPA that includes administration, recommendations to the Governor in Council State environment protection councils (SEPPs) and also industrial Waste Management Policies (IWMP). Issuing licenses, permitting work approvals and pollution controls measures and also implementing the National Environment Protection Measures (NEMPs). The CEO is in charge of the overall strategic management of EPA. He is assisted by the executive the office of the chairman and then the EPa solicitor who all reports directly to the CEO. In 1986 the Victorian government took up an industrial waste strategy that gave a framework for the correct and the best management of chemicals and petrochemicals industrial wastes. Chief among them were the use of new technologies to enable industries to get back valu able materials from their waste piles while simultaneously reducing waste generation this they called the waste minimization policy Though an industry knows about the nature and the type of its waste stockpile, an overhaul operation assessment of a specific company will serve to identify alternatives for minimizing wastes ,reducing costs associated with managing and disposing such wastes this policy will go a long way in ensuring good public health and safe working conditions for the employee of these industries. Get help with your essay from our expert essay writers Strengths Landfills form a vital part of chemical and petrochemical management in Victoria waste management infrastructure. Right from the sitting, management up to the rehabilitation of land fills requires an advanced design and features to be implemented to ensure that the environment is safe and also communityââ¬â¢s aspirations are realized. The use of land fills is the only appropriate way to manage wastes that cannot be recycled. Weakness As much as the EPA may try to keep the environment pollution free some wastes still find their way into the surroundings. Such wastes include the emissions from the motor vehicle exhaust system. Such a waste is hard to control unless the Victoria government pass a policy that will encouraage3 the use of unleaded gas for motor vehicles and also increased manufacture of environmental friendly vehicles that use ethanol instead of petroleum and diesel. Opportunities With the reduction in the cost of maintaining wastes and also the wastes generated more industries will register increased profit at the end of the trading year these companies may then decide to plough back the excess profits thus creating employments for more people. Threats Use of motor vehicles or machines that use ethanol instead of petrol will lead to increased demand for maize. This can result in rise in food prices given that maize is the staple food in Africa Summary At the end of the day the EPA policies will ensures that by reducing the output of the waste treated, money is saved, raw materials used in treatment are reduced and also other operating costs are minimized. By taking care of the environment as spelled by these policies the statutory obligation of Kyoto protocol for which the government of Australia supports is met as well as minimizing potential environmental liabilities. Recommendations The Victoria government should establish a policy that encourages the use of bio fuels instead of the petroleum by industries firstly to reduce the environmental pollution and secondly to reduce the cost of chemical and petrochemical waste management. SWOT Analysis. Environment is part and parcel of human life and therefore needs to be cared for. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) works towards this goal in Victoria as a result hazardous wastes from industries are checked against contaminating the environment. The problem of chemical wastes and other wastes can be managed if such an organization liaises with a given community in a way that everyoneââ¬â¢s needs are taken into considerations in matters of environmental protection. Environment practitioners can make a difference if they foster the use of modern technology in environmental care. Such methods may include performing analysis on the nature and the type of emissions from a specific company and coming up with ways to reduce the pollutants in a method called waste minimization. References EPA Victoriaââ¬â¢s green house gas inventory management plan publication. Vol.1168. sept 2007 (2004). EPA: waste management policy victoria40 city road southbankdec publication 968.Victoria 2004 (1993). EPA Information bulletin: industrial waste minimization procedure for waste assessment. science, 358
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Tracka History
Tracks are the bars that chain every life-full and lifeless life. It is the reason of being and not being and yet it has no reason to its own being! The Journey of human life Initiates on an aching track Inside a human life. It Is by this way that every track is born from an existing track to give birth to a new track: with the pain and strive for its survival. The birth of a new track, the birth oaf human life continues the agony of Its Journey under Its crafting and being crafted. The track hen widens and branches into various phases that life has to undergo.Every life possesses its own track which lays a unique awe of colors, flavors, and aromas. The human elite begins with the fetal pain and enters the cheerful, merry phase to childhood which is the enlivening arrival of the tracks among other tracks. It chirps with hues of innocence and freedom and the sweet flavor of inexperience and gullibility. Then the phase to adolescence is hoot-marked by the tracks with hues of upcoming m aturity and yet instability, impulsiveness, and sentimental blows, lush and gleam, Inquisitiveness and irresistibility and the sweet fragrance of a fascinating sense of growing up and yet being juvenile.It is all because of the tracks that change their routes and shapes. Then the youth spreads its golden wings with the flavor of velour, passion, potency, piquancy, gallantry. It Is also with beauty and might and the vigor that love adores in; it pours in its thrilling attraction towards other tracks, perception to mingle with another track to beat as one and to produce another out of Its existence. It Is these tracks that bloom relationships as hey connect each other. It is also a sense of belonging, a sense of disparity amalgamated with hot enthusiasm that also leads to confrontations between lives and hence tracks.It Is then that tracks bring human life to adulthood with compassion and ripened maturity with parenthood and sympathy, with Indulgence. Perception and harmony towards ot her beings. It is here that the tracks start to ripen, to make a realization of responsibilities, the ultimate goal of tracks. Then the tracks wrinkle and decolonize, they meager, leaving as much residual wisdom as Seibel; drooping off the lives, growing old, fragile and shaky and finally hand over the bunch to experiences to other tracks to lay hints tort lives to go on and on, however hopeless it may seem to be.The scrawny tracks shed but are yet immortal, as they lay behind evergreen generationsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦. Similarly, the Journey of a seed begins in DARK TRACKS, deep beneath the earth with immense trepidation and yet hopes to have an acquaintance with light, knowing not of the slaughtering and exterminating heat that accompanies It. The suffocating seed striving for growth ruminates, Witt the branching up to its painful track to soar high above earth yet remain anchored and grounded to its roots. The tracks stimulate its germination to the seedling phase, consuming the resourc es and the efforts to lead its formation.It grows with traits of tenderness, softness, and delicacy. The seedling, along with the widening of tracks; widens and blooms into a plant and then into a kind tree. It is then that the tracks take them to places where they have to pay the returns and much more than that utilized. They shed and regret endlessly, with heir fruits given happily or rather taken happily! They serve their master tracks- the human beings as givers. And perhaps sacrifice their lives by letting us brutally cut off their tracks. And then the tracks fall as the life falls.A non-living being also has an expedition of its own, often unnoticed. The pencil enters its expedition with a sense of completeness, wholeness, vividness, originality and totality unlike the living ones. It then enters a phase of sharpening that sets its Journey on until it sheds itself. The tracks gradually become narrower and shrink as they succeed. The pencil harpers itself, hoping to improve the marks it leaves, to paw mark itself to serve its master-the human being, who though is the creator of the pencil, is not the creator of its tracks!It then feeds marking and blackening and writing lives losing its own! And then as it feels it's growing the precedence of tracks deteriorate its existence. The only difference between Journey of a life-full and a lifeless one is that tracks make the former grow up as they change, whereas the latter shrinks down. The formers life is so simply started that it makes it complicated whereas the latter's life s so complicatedly started that it ends simply. It is the beauty and magnificence of tracks that though they lose significance without a traveler, they are not created by the travelers.Although they provide choices to go on, they bind us in chains somewhere in time; of which we realize when we've lost the assumed control. They also depict and bring correspondence to all ââ¬Ëprisoners' despite their uniqueness and disparity. It dissolv es the boundary of poor and rich, masculine and feminine, black and white, strong and feeble, animals and plants and to an extent- living and non-living! Every track has a Journey- whether a Eng one or a short one, a complete one or an incomplete one.The Journey though different, is always amongst and with all tracks. Every Journey has a purpose and the tracks are those which chain them to it, and so it fulfils its being. Be it Journeys of living beings or of non living beings, all tracks mingle in one point Just as they are born out of the hands of one single creator- the almighty. Here, I remember of a very famous truth, ââ¬Å"Dust thou art, to dust returnees. â⬠They circle around one single destination- death, closure, endâ⬠¦ . Every track ends, what differs is Just the pace of ending, it is Just the fate of
Friday, January 10, 2020
Ore Deposit Questions
Ore Deposit Questions Chapter 27: Mississippi Valley Type deposits Questions 1. Which geophysical method is/are used in discovering Mississippi Valley Type deposits? A. Airborne Magnetic SurveysC. Resistivity StudiesE. None of the above B. Induced Polarization MethodD. All of the above 2. All are host rocks for MVT deposits except for one. A. DolostoneC. BrauniteE. None of the above B. LimestoneD. All of the above 3. In which depth can MVT deposits be found? A. Shallow DepthC. Great DepthE. None of the above B. Average DepthD. All of the above 4. Which of the following is the wall rock alteration method used in MVT deposits?A. RecrystallizationC. Hydrothermal BrecciationE. None of the above B. DissolutionD. All of the above 5. Which of the following is a mineral assemblage of MVT deposits? A. ChalcedonyC. TectoliteE. None of the above B. MarcasiteD. All of the above 6. Which of the following is considered the most important environmental consideration for MVT deposits? A. Copper cont entC. Carbonate contentE. None of the above B. Iron Sulfide contentD. All of the above 7. Which of the following is the mining method used in MVT deposits? A. Long wall methodC. Underground room methodE. None of the above B.Pillar methodD. All of the above 8. All are ore processing methods use in MVT deposits except for one. A. PulverizingC. Magnetic SeparationE. None of the above B. FlotationD. All of the above 9. Which country contains the largest amount of MVT deposits? A. North AmericaC. EuropeE. None of the Above B. North AfricaD. All of the Above 10. Which of the following mineral rarely occurs in MVT deposits? A. DolomiteC. FluoriteE. None of the above B. SphaleriteD. All of the above 11. The following is/are characteristic of MVT deposits except. A. Platform carbonate sequence deposits C.Deposits are in dolostone E. None of the above B. Ore is epigenetic and stratabound D. All of the above 12. Which of the following is a major commodity of MVT deposits? A. GoldC. IronE. None of the above B. CopperD. All of the above 13. The following are examples of places where MVT is abundant except for one. A. Tri StateC. Grand CanyonE. None of the above B. Viburnum TrendD. All of the above 14. The following are examples of exhalative deposits associated with MVT deposits except for one. A. LeadC. BariteE. None of the above B. ZincD. All of the above 15. A.Salt Diapirs are associated with MVT deposits. B. Most MVT deposits are surrounded by carbonate rocks. A. A is true and B is falseC. Both statements are trueE. No conclusion can be drawn B. A is false and B is trueD. Both statement are false 16. The following are nature of ores of MVT deposits except for one. A. Massive replacement zonesC. Disseminated fractures of crystalsE. None of the above B. Open space fillingsD. All of the above 17. Which mining method poses the greatest environmental concern for MVT deposits? A. Smelter ActivitiesC. Acid DrainageE. None of the Above B. Tailings PondsD.Both A and B 18. MVT d eposits can be located at the following except for one. A. Fault zoneC. Fold beltsE. None of the above B. Thrust beltsD. All of the above 19. The following are trace element minerals of MVT deposit except for one. A. SeC. SrE. None of the above B. SbD. All of the above 20. Significant airborne amounts of the following elements may lead to potential environmental consideration of MVT deposit except for one. A. CadmiumC. ArsenicE. None of the above B. MercuryD. All of the above 21. Which of the following rock types are mainly found in MVT deposits? A. IgneousC. SedimentaryE.None of the above B. MetamorphicD. All of the above 22. The following are considered nature of ores for ore bodies of MVT deposits except for one. A. Massive replacement zonesC. Open space fillings of fracturesE. None of the above B. Bleaching (Oxidation)D. All of the above 23. MVT deposits are commonly located in what type of structure? A. Platform or Basin flanksC. Volcanic VentsE. None of the above B. Breccia Pi pesD. All of the above 24. Which toxic metal could be a problem in the immediate vicinity of mineralized pipes in for MVT deposit? A. CopperC. ZincE. None of the above B. LeadD.All of the above 25. Which state produces the highest amount of MVT deposits in the United States? A. ArizonaC. MississippiE. None of the above B. FloridaD. All of the above Chapter 28: Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits Questions 1. The following are geophysical methods used in Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits except for one. C. Gamma-radiation SurveysC. Ground Penetrating RadarE. None of the above D. Induced Polarization MethodD. All of the above 2. The following are rocks associated with Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits except for one. C. SandstoneC.SiltstoneE. None of the above D. LimestoneD. All of the above 3. Which of the following is a wall rock alteration method for Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits? C. RecrystallizationC. Hydrothermal BrecciationE. None of the ab ove D. Bleaching (Oxidation)D. All of the above 4. The following are examples of Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits except for one. C. Orphan LodeC. Pigeon, ArizonaE. None of the above D. EZ-2D. All of the above 5. The following are major commodities of in Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits except for one. C. ZincC. CopperE. None of the aboveD. LeadD. All of the above 6. Solution- Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits are commonly located in what type of structure? C. Breccia pipesC. Thrust BeltsE. None of the above D. Volcanic VentsD. All of the above 7. Which of the following is the mining method used in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe U deposits? C. Long wall methodC. Underground room methodE. None of the above D. Pillar methodD. All of the above 8. All are ore processing methods use in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe U deposits except for one. C. PulverizingC. Magnetic SeparationE. None of the above D. FlotationD.All of the above 9. Which state contain s the largest amount of Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe U deposits? C. MinnesotaC. ArizonaE. None of the Above D. MississippiD. All of the Above 10. The following are primary ore minerals of Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe U deposits except for one. C. UraniumC. SphaleriteE. None of the above D. FluoriteD. All of the above 11. The following is/are characteristic of Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe deposits except. C. Platform carbonate sequence deposits C. Deposits are in dolostone E. None of the above D. Ore is epigenetic and stratabound D.All of the above 12. Which of the following is a major commodity of Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe deposits? C. GoldC. IronE. None of the above D. UraniumD. All of the above 13. The following are synonym of Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia Pipe U Deposits except for one. C. Orphan Lode-type depositC. Podiform ChromiteE. None of the above D. Sedimentary breccia pipe depositD. All of the above 14. The following are examples of exhalative deposits associated with Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits except for one. C. LeadC. BariteE. None of the above D. ZincD. All of the above 15. A.Primary ore in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits are confined in volcanic plumes. B. Most Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits are surrounded by carbonate rocks. C. A is true and B is falseC. Both statements are trueE. No conclusion can be drawn D. A is false and B is trueD. Both statement are false 16. Which of the following solution can dissolve Uranium ore found in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposit? A. Acid solutionC. Solvent extractionE. None of the above B. Alkaline solutionD. Both A and B 17. Which mining method poses the greatest environmental concern for Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits?A. Smelter ActivitiesC. Acid DrainagesE. None of the Above B. Tailings PondsD. Both A and B 18. What kind of cement is found to bind together host rocks o f Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits A. Carbonate mineralsC. Portland cementE. None of the above B. ClayD. All of the above 19. Which of the following is a trace element of Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits? A. SeC. SrE. None of the above B. MoD. All of the above 20. Which toxic metal could be a problem in the immediate vicinity of mineralized pipes in for Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposit? A. Zinc metalC.ArsenicE. None of the above B. LeadmetalD. All of the above 21. How many months will it take for primary ore to oxidize when exposed to surface weathering in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits? A. Two monthsC. Six monthsE. None of the above B. Four monthsD. All of the above 22. Which of the followingà prevents and delays the oxidation of some breccia pipe ores in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits? A. TrapsC. Massive sulphide capE. None of the above B. SealsD. All of the above 23. Which of the following is a p athfinder mineral for recognition of sealed breccia pipe?A. GoethiteC. DolomiteE. None of the above B. HematiteD. All of the above 24. Which of the following are potential environmental considerations in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits? A. Radon radiationsC. Radioactive elementsE. None of the above B. Gamma radiationsD. All of the above 25. What is the end product of uranium when precipitated by either ion exchange or solvent extraction in Solution ââ¬â Collapse Breccia pipe deposits? A. Ammonium phosphateC. Ammonium diuranateE. None of the above B. Ammonium saltsD. All of the above
Thursday, January 2, 2020
About Abigailrs intentions - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 384 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/06/24 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Crucible Essay Did you like this example? Girls were running in circles screaming and yelling throwing thing they have captured into a fire they had made to talk to the devil yelling names of men and dancing. Differences from the movie and play are different because in the movie Abigail bit and drank chicken blood when all the girls where in a circle and Abigail danced naked as in the play it did not talk about how Abigail drank blood or ran in circles naked, her uncle then saw and heard something suspicious and went to go see what was going on and he had saw all the girls dancing and laughing in circles and he had saw Abigail was naked and then the girls ran off screaming. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About Abigailrs intentions" essay for you Create order Later in the movie when John Proctor was getting his horse outside behind a house Abigail had come over to talk to john proctor Abigailrs intentions were to kiss him and touch him and she wanted him to kiss and touch Abigail back but as Abigail went and kissed john proctor he pushed Abigail away and told her hes in love with his wife that he has no place for Abigail as in the play john proctor and Abigail did not kiss and did not touch each other as they did in the movie. Later in the movie when they were having their witch trials Abigail and the group of girls were more very over dramatic about things that she made up to try and accuse the person of being a witch like when she had said that mary warren was making the devil talk to her and after everything mary said they repeated as in the play Abigail and the girls werent so dramatic when they were in the witch trials and did not repeat everything mary said. Tituba was a girl who was laughing and dancing with the girls she was the main one who started the whole thing with the fire and dancing she was the one was was bringing the spirits out and talking to the devil the difference between the movie and play is that tituba was whipped for talking to the devil and because of that little girls were sick and wouldnt wake up and in the play she was not whipped for the things she done.
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