Wednesday, October 9, 2019

An Introduction to Personal Responsibility

†¢ Define personal responsibility and what it means to you.†¢Explain the relationship between personal responsibility and college success.†¢Include a preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in your education.I. Introduction a. personal responsibility :1. Personal responsibility begins inside and moves outward. 2. We have to begin with ourselves and take responsibility for our thoughts, choices, actions and reactions. Then we can be responsible for the circumstances we create in our world. 3. When you believe something or someone else is responsible for your problems and the resulting solutions, that exact thought is the first problem to solve when it comes to taking personal responsibility. b. what it means to me:1. Taking care of my family 2. Taking care of my job 3. Taking care of my studyIl. Primary purpose for educationThe relationship between personal responsibility and college success. a. Personal responsibilities:1. Having something in your care to take care of. It is your responsibility that your kids get taken care of on a daily basis 2. Taking Responsibility for Your Own Actions. b. college success:1. Students have to learn to take responsibility for their education. 2. With college come the skills needed to be successful. 3. Every student who enters into a college level program needs to bring some very useful skills with them.Ill. Adult learning stylePreliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in your education. 1. Attending college is taking personal responsibility for your education. 2. Time management and proper organization serve not only in planning for education success but also in aspects of life. 3. With and a higher education we have a better salary then without. 4. To be successful in educational endeavors its necessary to act as a personally responsible student. 5. Students are Responsible for Their Own Educational Future.IV. ConclusionAccepting personal responsibility can have life changing affects.

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